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  Kalama Kalama

The Port of Kalama is located in Southwest Washington on the Columbia River and immediately off of Interstate highway 5. The Port is 30 miles northwest of Portland, Oregon and approximately 120 miles south of Seattle, Washington.The Port of Kalama's industrial area has seven miles of riverfront property adjacent to the 40' federally maintained deep draft navigation channel of the Columbia River. The Port is served by the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe and Union Pacific railroads.


Organized in 1920 by a vote of the people, the Port of Kalama is governed by a three-member Port commission and administered by an executive director. Currently the Port employs 14 full-time and several part-time employees. Included in the Port's sources of revenue are: leases of various Port properties and buildings, marine terminals, services associated with grain terminal & breakbulk docks and the Kalama marina. There are over 20 industries located at the Port of Kalama, employing over 1000 people.

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