Port Name | |
Port of Stockton |
Port of Stockton | State | |
California | Total Trade | |
2,803,015 | Foreign Imports | |
2,225,750 | Foreign Exports | |
485,938 | Foreign Total | |
2,711,688 | Domestic Total | |
91,327 |   | Description | |
The Port of Stockton is a major inland deep water port in Stockton, California located on the San Joaquin River before it joins the Sacramento River to empty into Suisun Bay, eighty miles inland. The port sits on about 1,440 acres, and occupies an island in the San Joaquin Delta, and a portion of a neighborhood known as Boggs Tract.
|   | Key Factor | |
The only natural outlet for the waters of the Central Valley to pass into the sea is through the narrow Carquinez Strait, at the inland eastern extreme of San Pablo Bay. Further inland are Suisun and Grizzly Bays, arms of the Pacific Ocean deep in the Californian interior. Further inland again from these last bays is the broad California Delta, formed where the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers meet and cross together. This verdant triangle of land with deep black soils is at the heart of the Central Valley and stretches some fifty miles from Susuin Bay on the west to the cities of Stockton and Sacramento on the east.