Year : 1963
State : VT
Inter 1 :I89
Inter 2 :I89
I-89 looking easterly up the Winooski River valley. Interstate overpasses relocated US-2 in center of photograph, approximately 2 3/4 miles west of the village of Waterbury.

Year : 1967
State : VT
Inter 1 :I89
Inter 2 :I89
Vermont Hartford. A 1,059' structure spanning the White River approximately 5 miles northwesterly of White River Junction. This photograph was taken at the southerly end of the project looking north and depicts substructure construction that is currently under way. It is anticipated that this structure will be opened to traffic in the fall of 1968. This structure will be a major link in I-89 between River Junction and Montpelier.

Year : 1965
State : VT
Inter 1 :I89
Inter 2 :I89
Vermont-New Hampshire-These twin bridges, under construction, will carry Interstate Route 89 across the Connecticut River at White Junction. New Hampshire is building the spans over the river; Vermont is constructing the near abutment and first piers. The concrete "box" in the foreground will carry a local road under the bridge approach. (Projects Vermont I-89-1(3); New Hampshire I-89-1(41).)