Year : 1965
State :UT
Inter 1 :I15
Inter 2 :I80
Work on this section of Interstate Routes 15 and 80, leading into Salt Lake City, Utah, from the north, began in 1958. The elevated roadways leading off to the left are spur routes to the central city. (Project I-15-7(23), (34), (46), & (51).)

Year : 1988
State : UT
Inter 1 :I70
Inter 2 :I70
Towering cliffs dwarf vehicles near Rattlesnake Bend as I-70 wends through the spectacular scenic area 15 miles west of Green River, Utah. One of the unique engineering challenges of Interstate 70 was the ten-mile section through Spotted Wolf Canyon with its "V" shaped canyon walls. Rock slabs were split from the walls and used as fill to elevate the roadway. The technique provided sufficient room for the four-lane divided highway and preserved the rugged appearance of the environment.

Year :
State : UT
Inter 1 :170
Inter 2 :I70
Region 8 - Interstate I-70 Fremont Junction, Utah Interchange with SH10