Child safety - bikes

Bike riding can be fun for the whole family but it needs to be enjoyed safely. Bicycle safety involves developing riding skills, wearing the right protective gear and looking after your bike. Parents should teach their children about cycling safety and caring for their bike.

To help your child become a safe cyclist, let them have lots of practice on safe paths while offering tips on bike handling. Basically, they should be able to ride in a straight line, brake properly and corner safely.

Ride in designated areas such as bike paths when possible. By law, children can ride on the footpath up to the age of 12. Find out if your child's school offers Bike Ed, which teaches children about road safety and cycling skills.

It is compulsory to wear helmets when riding a bike in Victoria. This law applies on roads, bike paths, bike lanes, shared and also in all vehicle transport segregated footways, and other public places such as recreational parks and car parks. Make sure that your child always wears a helmet when riding.

Your child's helmet should be:

  • Approved - make sure the helmet carries the Standards Australia mark.
  • The right size and fitted correctly - the helmet should be comfortable and not too tight or loose. Caps should not be worn under helmets as they ruin the fit - wear a visor over the helmet to protect you from the sun. Choose a helmet that is not too heavy and provides good ventilation.
  • Positioned on the head properly - the helmet should sit level on the head, covering the forehead with the rim just above the eyebrows. The straps should be correctly adjusted and the buckle securely fastened. The straps should form a 'V' shape with the plastic strap guide sitting just under the ear lobe. The buckle should be close up under your chin.
  • Kept in good condition - if the helmet hits an object or the road, you should replace it. Don't leave a helmet exposed to direct sunlight when not in use, make sure the foam is not old and crumbling, and clean it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Having the right size bike for your body plays a big part in safe cycling. A bike that's too big for your child is dangerous - kids don't 'grow into' bikes or helmets. To test for size, stand your child over the bicycle with both feet on the ground. For medium or lightweight bikes, there should be at least 2cm between the crotch and the crossbar (or where the crossbar would be if the bike had one). For BMX and mountain bikes, there should be at least 5cm between crotch and crossbar.

Make sure all controls are within easy reach and comfortable to use, and that the seat can be adjusted. If you buy a secondhand bike, make sure that it is serviced properly.

Bicycle seats for children are becoming popular. To be safe, you need to:

  • Choose a seat with moulded leg supports (to protect the child's feet from spokes), head and neck support, feet straps and spoke shields.
  • Make sure it has a harness which is fitted securely each time you place the child in the seat.
  • Ride for short periods only, especially in hot weather. Use sunscreen and a hat for your child and take plenty of drinks.
  • Use seats only for children who are over 12 months of age and weigh less than 22kg.

You need to make sure that your bike and your child's bike are well maintained. Regularly check brakes, wheels, pedals, bearings and chains so that the bike will stop quickly in an emergency. Each time you ride the bike, check if the tyres are hard, if the brakes work and whether there are any rattles. Check the tyres, bearings, gears, nuts and bolts, and lubricate the chain and cables each week.

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