The annual RTW Day moves to the ‘third Monday in June.’ The next Ride to Work Day is MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2009.
It is the 18th annual Ride to Work Day. Reasons for an earlier annual Ride to Work Day include:
The new day is not as hot in most northern hemisphere areas, and not as cold in most southern hemisphere areas. June weather is more favorable worldwide.
The new day provides an increased opportunity for more riders to Ride to Work. Many workplaces close for summer holiday in July - especially in Europe.
A Monday event encourages motorcycle and scooter commuting to continue during the entire week.
Positive media exposure will increase. Sundays are slower ‘news days’ so there will be more coverage like this: “Look for more motorcycles on your commute tomorrow, as Monday is the annual Ride to Work day...”
The Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) has endorsed this day, and is promoting the ‘Third Monday in June’ worldwide as the annual Ride to Work Day.