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Road transport

Monday, June 15, 2009

Safer arrival

Young people took part in safety events to help keep them from danger when crossing roads - and stay on their toes at the same time. The Roadwise Rangers were in Springfield Park providing children with activities to help them stay fit, and also to keep them safe, by showing how these same sports skills can be used out on the streets.

The Roadwise scheme also encourages healthy eating, tackles obesity and aims to get children active and into the spirit of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Hackney road safety team was also on hand to check that car seats were correctly fitted and offered in-car safety advice at drop-in testing sessions at Tesco car park in Morning Lane.

Cllr Alan Laing, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods said:

"Child seats can reduce the chances of a child being injured or even killed in a car accident but only if they're fitted correctly.

"Research carried out by Trading Standards found that on average, eight out of 10 children's car seats are fitted incorrectly.

"Parents and child carers should also be aware that they could face a £30 on the spot fine for not securing young children properly in cars.

"Or they could end up in court and face a fine of up to £500. It's absolutely vital that children's car seats are fitted correctly."



posted by transport blogs @ 11:59 PM permanent link   | Post a Comment | 0 comments

Thursday, June 11, 2009

SMART Blueprint delivers 5.5 tonnes extra payload

A new 'blueprint' SMART vehicle developed by industry has pioneered a short cut into Performance Based Standards (PBS) and a 5.5 tonne payload advantage for quarry industry truck operators. The 19.6 metre Volvo/Gorski SMART tipper and quad dog trailer combination gets a 1.8 tonne payload advantage on general access at 50.3 tonne Gross Combination Mass. It has a 5.5 tonne advantage at 54 tonne on Level 2 (equivalent to the B-double network) roads over virtually identical non-PBS approved designs.The whole project was driven by committed Volvo truck operator Ray Cauchi of Cartage Australia.

All 21 of their trucks are Volvos and 11 are truck and quad dog combinations. Eight tipper and dogs are PBS compliant and the rest will be within six months due to normal fleet changeover. "We have averaged three tonnes payload gain on our PBS quad dogs,"Ray Cauchi explains. "It's like having an extra truck in the fleet." "We have also achieved payload parity with 19 metre B-doubles without sacrificing our tare weight and swept path advantages," he adds.

The year long approval process and considerable engineering costs were funded by CMV truck sales of Laverton North in conjunction with Volvo Trucks and Gorski Trailers. "Anyone can buy this PBS combination now but the spec must be identical to comply," CMV's Charles Bunkersmith says. National axle spacing standards are designed to protect bridge spans by spreading heavy vehicle weight out as far as possible. Volvo's setback front axle shortens extreme axle spacing. The solution was a slightly longer combination through PBS.

CMV and Ray Cauchi approached VicRoads PBS experts John O'Regan and Ron Smith who told them that 19.5 metres was possible under PBS because the truck and dog combinations have much better swept paths than semis. ARRB did the design work to show the vehicle met PBS standards for safety and infrastructure protection. The minimum length capable of meeting the bridge standards turned out to be 19.6 metres. The design was given national approval by the PBS Review Panel (PRP) followed by a permit from VicRoads.

Cartage Australia achieved compliance on their existing Volvo units by lengthening trailer drawbars. The first PBS step gave an immediate increase to 50.3 tonne. "But the biggest challenge was to get from 50 tonne to 54 tonne on PBS Level 2 roads, CMV's Charles Bunkersmith recalls. That soon followed the general access approval. Cartage Australia's trucks operate on Level 2 roads for approximately 60 percent of the time so the productivity gain was considerable.

Quarry product density means trucks achieve maximum weights in minimum space. That has kept quarry trucks short and maneuverable for good site access. But an extra 0.6 metre in length is not much of a price to pay for the significant competitive payload advantage under PBS. "The PBS compliant tipper and dog is still very maneuverable and still better than 19 metre tipper and dogs with set forward steer axle", Mr Bunkersmith explains. The CMV design includes Volvo 6x4 truck with 14.5 cubic metre tipper body and four-axle 24.5 cubic metre tipper trailer. The entire combination has disc brakes with EBS electronic controls. The advanced EBS includes electronic stability on both truck and trailer, with brake load proportioning and ABS anti-skid functions.

The Volvo comes with the latest Euro 4 emissions standard 13 litre Volvo engine, automated 12 speed gearbox, and road-friendly eight bag drive axle air suspension. The Gorski trailer has SAF Holland road-friendly air-suspension. The entire combination runs on 10 stud alloy wheels. CMV's PBS quarry tipper blueprint design is revolutionary in the way it unlocks practical higher productivity for truck operators. The design and certification work has already been done and is commercially available. The design has national approval for General Access at 50.3 tonne; and there is no need for route restrictions or vehicle tracking telematics.

Quarry truck operators looking for higher productivity but not willing to incur the perceived costs and delays of individual PBS certifications can step right into a whole new level of technology. But the precedent established by CMV has much broader implications for the transport industry and its suppliers. Any industry supplier or association can take it upon itself to develop a blueprint vehicle type that allows customers or members to achieve significant productivity improvements at minimal cost and hassle.

The advantage is in amortising certification costs across a significant number of vehicles to offer turnkey PBS productivity solutions in the marketplace. The return for intelligent design under PBS is virtually assured for the supplier because the approval is specific to his equipment type. Any operator who wants the benefit either buys a blueprint vehicle or develops his own PBS vehicle design. PBS blueprint vehicles may well overcome the perceived entry barriers that have inhibited wide industry take up of Performance Based Standards by individual operators to date.



posted by transport blogs @ 11:34 PM permanent link   | Post a Comment | 0 comments

Monday, June 8, 2009

White Van Man goes Green

Van buyers will find it easier to cut emissions and save money due to a new van CO2 data base launched by Transport Secretary Andrew Adonis today.

The online database - the biggest of its kind in Europe - has been compiled by the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA), Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), and Department for Transport (DfT). It allows users to search for new van models on the UK market and compare their CO2 emissions and the fuel consumption.

Vans make up around 15% of road transport emissions in the UK and their emissions are rising at the highest rate of any road vehicle. If everybody buying a new van bought the most fuel efficient model in its class the average buyer could save up to 17% on both CO2 emissions and fuel costs.

Launching the database at the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership's annual conference in London today, Transport Secretary Andrew Adonis said:
"It's important to help motoring consumers make the right choice, both for themselves and for the environment.

"This database is good news for van buyers - it gives them access to emissions and fuel consumption information that could well shape the van they choose, as well as enable them to cut emissions and save money.

"At a time when the Government is working hard to create a stable financial environment to encourage long-term investment in the motoring industry this tool is also good news for van producers by stimulating interest and demand in the models they make."

Speaking on behalf of the industry, SMMT chief executive Paul Everitt said:

"Van makers are all committed to providing information that will help buyers make better informed choices and this database provides a level playing field for easy comparison. We believe that our efforts in assisting government departments compile this information will not only impact positively on tailpipe CO2 emissions but will also help buyers select the most economical vehicle they need for their business."



posted by transport blogs @ 10:45 PM permanent link   | Post a Comment | 0 comments




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