Year : 1963
State : ME
Inter 1 :I95
Inter 2 :I95
Maine - Interstate Route 95 crosses Messalonskee Stream on twin bridges in Waterville, Maine, as it sweeps past Colby College.

Year : 1964
State : ME
Inter 1 :I95
Inter 2 :I95
Maine - A typical highway cross section, cut away to show thickness of pavement and base courses. The test spot was selected at random from a 25-mile newly opened stretch of I-95 between Newport and Bangor as part of an "inspection-in-depth" made by officials of the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads and Maine State Highway Commission in November, 1963. The photo provides indisputable evidence that the tax payer is receiving full value for every highway tax dollar.

Year : 1967
State : ME
Inter 1 :I95
Inter 2 :I95
Twin Interstate Bridges on I-95 across the Penobscot River at Medway. These structures opened to traffic in the Fall of 1966.