Transportation Guidelines
Home, Business trip, Honeymoon, Family vacation. No matter where you're going, air travel is an essential part of your trip. That's why most of our efforts are dedicated to getting you there.At every commercial airport, large and small, our Security Officers are motivated individuals who take pride in making your travel secure.
For Travelers

Home, Business trip, Honeymoon, Family vacation. No matter where you're going, air travel is an essential part of your trip. That's why most of our efforts are dedicated to getting you there. At every commercial airport, large and small, our Security Officers are motivated individuals who take pride in making YOUR travel secure.
We screen every passenger; we screen every bag so that your memories are from where you went, not how you got there. We're here to help your travel plans be smooth and stress free. Please take a moment to become familiar with some of our security measures. Doing so now will help save you time once you arrive at the airport.

The mission of TSA's Highway Passenger group is to protect the Nation's Highway Passengers aboard over-the-road motorcoaches.
An Intercity bus or 'motorcoach' is defined as a vehicle designed for long distance transportation of passengers, characterized by integral construction with an elevated passenger deck located over a baggage compartment. It's at least 35 feet in length and carries more than 30 passengers.

The mission of TSA's Rail Passenger Security group is to protect the nation's railroad passengers, employees, and properties.
Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the 7/7 London subway bombings, and the Madrid rail bombings, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has taken several steps to manage risk and strengthen our nation's rail and transit systems by:
Providing funding to state and local partners;
Training and deploying manpower and assets for high risk areas;
Developing and testing new technologies, and;
Performing security assessments of systems across the country.