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TitleSchempp-Hirth Nimbus-4DM, N807BB,
DescriptionSchempp-Hirth Nimbus-4DM, N807BB, Minden, Nevada, July 13, 1999
NTSB Report NumberAAB-02-06, adopted on 9/27/2002
NTIS Report Numbernull

Accident Number: LAX99MA251
Aircraft and Registration: Schempp-Hirth Nimbus-4DM, N807BB
Location: Minden, Nevada
Date: July 13, 1999
Adopted on: September 27, 2002


On July 13, 1999, at 1310 Pacific daylight time, a Schempp-Hirth Nimbus-4DM motorized glider, N807BB, experienced an in-flight breakup while maneuvering near Minden, Nevada. The commercial glider pilot and a passenger were fatally injured, and the glider was destroyed. The glider had departed from Minden-Tahoe airport at 1240 and was operated by the owner/pilot under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91. No flight plan was filed for the local area soaring flight. The glider was certificated in the United States in the experimental category for exhibition and racing, and it was also certificated in Germany in the standard class, utility category. for more details

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