Year : 1966
State : VA
Inter 1 :I95
Inter 2 :I95
This section of Interstate highway (I-95 in Virginia) illustrates many of the safety features being built into the Interstate System, which will result in saving 8,000 lives each year when the system is complete. These features include: controlled access, wide median dividing opposing traffic, long sight distances, gentle curvatures, all crossings separated by bridges or underpasses, wide paved shoulders, and acceleration and deceleration lanes. Note also good design integrating esthetics and safety, including retention of trees in median and interchange area to reduce headlight glare, and adaptation of all highway elements to geographical features.

Year : 1967
State : VA
Inter 1 :I64
Inter 2 :I64
Virginia Bridge construction I-64- in Chesapeake County, south of US 460 & S.R.166

Year : 1980
State : VA
Inter 1 :177
Inter 2 :I77
Virginia- Interstate 77 in Virginia was built in many sections as two individual roadways to avoid disturbing the natural landscape.