Year : 1963
State : MA
Inter 1 :I95
Inter 2 :I95
Massachusetts - I-95 in Attleboro-North Attleboro - Graded to leave as much of the natural growth as possible in median.

Year : 1966
State : MA
Inter 1 :I95
Inter 2 :I95
Massachusetts - Interstate 95 in Attleboro. When the Attleboro strip was being designed, a city reservoir was under construction, and the highway was planned so that its embankment would serve as a dike for the reservoir (left background), adding to the overall attractiveness of the landscape.

Year : 1967
State : MA
Inter 1 :I95
Inter 2 :I95
Massachusetts - Shown in the lower foreground are concrete promenade areas for the Fall River City complex that will be constructed over this depressed segment of Interstate I-95.